See DataOps AI Agent in Action Virtual Event Sept 12

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Unravel Customer Environment Deployment Addendum

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This Customer Environment Deployment Addendum (this “Addendum”), is in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in the Master Subscription Agreement or End User License Agreement (as applicable, the “Agreement”) between Unravel Data Systems, Inc. (“Unravel”) and the “Customer” under the Agreement to which this Addendum is incorporated (“Customer”). This Addendum governs the terms and provisions pursuant to which Customer may utilize the entirety of the Software, as deployed in a computing environment controlled by or on behalf of Customer. Capitalized terms used herein but not defined have the meaning set forth in the Agreement.

1. ADDITIONAL DEFINITION. As used in this Addendum, “Customer Environment” means the computing environment controlled by or on behalf of Customer in which the entirety of Software is deployed and operated by or on behalf of Customer.

2. PERFORMANCE DATA. If applicable to the licensing metric set forth in the applicable Order Form, on a monthly basis (or some other mutually agreed upon schedule) and upon and in accordance with Unravel’s request, Customer (acting reasonably and in good faith) shall provide to Unravel diagnostic information and metadata regarding Customer’s use of the Software and any such other related data as Unravel may reasonably request (the “Performance Data”). The Performance Data will never include any personal data or personal information, as defined under applicable laws. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Unravel and its partners and suppliers own the Performance Data and may use the Performance Data to assist Unravel in providing Support to Customer and to improve and develop Unravel’s and its partners’ and suppliers’ products and services.

3. REPORTING. If an Order Form provides for a Fee that is based on an hourly usage rate, then Customer will submit a monthly report via email to [email protected], which report will state: (a) how many nodes Customer is running the Software on in both static mode as well as peak loads; and (b) the number of hours during such month that Customer was running the Software (the “Monthly Reports”). Such Monthly Reports shall be delivered to Unravel within ten (10) business days following the end of each month. Unravel may, upon thirty (30) days’ advance written notice, itself or using a third-party auditor mutually agreed on by Unravel and Customer (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld), inspect such portion of Customer’s computer systems as is reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of the Monthly Reports (a “Report Audit”). Report Audits will be conducted remotely and Customer will cooperate in good faith to provide view-only access as is reasonably required for purposes of the Report Audit. A Report Audit may not be conducted more than once during any rolling twelve (12) month period during any Subscription Term, except upon good cause, and may not be conducted more than three (3) months after the termination or expiration of the applicable Subscription Term. Any such Report Audit will be conducted during Customer’s normal business hours and in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with Customer’s normal business operations. If a Report Audit shows that any Monthly Reports are not accurate and as a result, Customer has not fully paid for its usage of the Software, then Customer shall pay for such additional usage at the rate set forth in the applicable Order Form(s) upon invoice by Unravel.

4. HARDWARE AND THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. Customer agrees that Customer is responsible for procuring and making available the computer hardware and third-party software configuration appropriate for use of the Software in the Customer Environment. Customer will be responsible for procuring maintenance for the Customer Environment hardware and software throughout the Subscription Term. For the avoidance of doubt, Unravel will not be responsible for any issues arising out of or relating to any hardware or third-party software. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Unravel will specify the minimum approved hardware and third-party software configuration required in order to operate the Software. Unravel uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that such specifications remain current. However, Customer acknowledges that as current technology changes and becomes obsolete, Unravel may be required to update specifications accordingly and Unravel is therefore unable to guarantee compatibility with current hardware or third-party software specifications for more than one (1) year after the hardware or software has been specified.

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