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Cloud Migration

Minding the Gaps in Your Cloud Migration Strategy

As your organization begins planning and budgeting for 2021 initiatives, it’s time to take a critical look at your cloud migration strategy. If you’re planning to move your on-premises big data workloads to the cloud this […]

  • 1 min read

As your organization begins planning and budgeting for 2021 initiatives, it’s time to take a critical look at your cloud migration strategy. If you’re planning to move your on-premises big data workloads to the cloud this year, you’re undoubtedly faced with a number of questions and challenges:

  • Which workloads are best suited for the cloud?
  • How much will each workload cost to run?
  • How do you manage workloads for optimal performance, while keeping costs down?

Gartner Cloud Migration Report

Neglecting careful workload planning and controls prior to cloud migration can lead to unforeseen cost spikes. That’s why we encourage you to read Gartner’s new report that cites serious gaps in how companies move to the cloud: “Mind the Gaps in DBMS Cloud Migration to Avoid Cost and Performance Issues.”

Gartner’s timely report provides invaluable information for any enterprise with substantial database spending, whether on-premises, in the cloud, or migrating to the cloud. Organizations typically move to the cloud to save money, cutting costs by an average of 21% according to the report. However, Gartner finds that migrations are often more expensive and disruptive than initially planned because organizations neglect three crucial steps:

  • Price/performance comparison. They fail to assess the price and performance of their apps, both on-premises and after moving to the cloud.
  • Apps conversion assessment. They don’t assess the cost of converting apps to run effectively in the cloud, then get surprised by failed jobs and high costs.
  • Ops conversion assessment. DataOps tasks change greatly across environments, and organizations don’t maximize their gains from the move.

When organizations do not to take these important steps, they typically fail to complete the migration on-time, overspend against their established cloud operational budgets, and miss critical optimization opportunities available in the cloud.

Remove the Risk of Cloud Migration With Unravel Data

Unravel Data can help you fill in the gaps cited in the Gartner report, providing full-stack observability and AI-powered recommendations to drive more reliable performance on Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform or your in own data center. By simplifying, operationalizing, and automating performance improvements, applications are more reliable, and costs are lower. Your team and your workflows will be more efficient and productive, so you can focus your resources on your larger vision.

To learn more – including information about our Cloud Migration Acceleration Programs – contact us today. And make sure to download your copy of the Gartner report. Or start by reading our two-page executive summary.