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Performance & Data Eng

Organizations Need APM to fully Harness Big Data

Gartner recently released the report Monitor Data and Analytics Platforms to Drive Digital Business. In the introduction, the authors explain, “Unfortunately, most application performance monitoring (APM) and infrastructure monitoring technologies are not equipped to deal with the […]

  • 1 min read

Gartner recently released the report Monitor Data and Analytics Platforms to Drive Digital Business. In the introduction, the authors explain, “Unfortunately, most application performance monitoring (APM) and infrastructure monitoring technologies are not equipped to deal with the challenges of monitoring business data and analytics platforms. And most IT operations professionals lack the skills required to understand and manage the performance problems and incidents that are likely to arise as these platforms are put through their paces by an increasingly data-hungry business community.”

Moving and managing big data applications in production will be a nightmare because many problems can occur that can cripple an operations team. The growth and diversity of applications in a multi-tenant cluster are making it hard to diagnose problems, like rogue applications, missed SLAs, cascading cluster failures, application slowdowns, stuck jobs, and failed queries. Also, it’s becoming hard to track who is doing what, understand cluster usage and application performance, and optimize and plan in order to justify resource demands and forecast capacity needs.

For operations teams, addressing these challenges is a must because there are too many downstream customers that depend on things running smoothly. But trying to have full visibility across the modern data stack is really hard to do because there is no single pane that gives operations and users insight into what’s going on or a way to collaborate – instead people have to look at code, logs, monitoring graphs, configuration files, and so on in an attempt to figure it out.

Operations professionals need more. The Gartner report recommends that leaders tasked with optimizing and managing their data and analytics platforms should:

  • Monitor business data and analytics platform performance holistically by combining data from infrastructure and application performance tools and tasks. This will ensure good traceability, improve performance and support the business uptake of analytics

Unravel provides the only tool that analyzes the entire modern data stack and enables operations teams to understand, improve and control application performance in production. What makes Unravel so unique is that the solution is designed to automatically detect, diagnose and resolve issues to improve productivity, guarantee reliability, and reduce costs for running modern data stack applications in any environment– on-premises, in the cloud, or hybrid.

Learn more about why Big Data APM is mission critical for modern data stack applications in production.

Gartner, Monitor Data and Analytics Platforms to Drive Digital Business, 05 April 2017